The Movie Jalam Produced by Sohan Roy

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Jalam is based on a feature that appeared in one of the most popular Indian daily, about a landless family, that took shelter under a bridge in Kochi, India. They sought this shelter to protect the woman from the city dwellers to avoid the risk of sexual abuse.
A popular magazine in the country stated that “Indian women find herself unsafe till the time she returns back home.” When safety for women in the country is hotly debated, Jalam makes a strong statement as a woman oriented movie that deals with the struggles of a landless woman and her child in the midst of a roaring city. The movie also throws light at land struggles that happen in the country but are often neglected by the government. Jalam also reflects the red tapism in India and the failure of the bureaucracy to provide helping hand to the needy.


Sohan_RoySohan Roy (The Producer of the movie Jalam)

Jalam got 6 selections at the 88th Academy Awards including Best Picture, Original Score and 4 Selections for Original Songs.
Above all, Jalam stands for a cause.In a country where the audience prefers the stars rather than the subject of the film, the movie has however faced neglect from the distributors. It is a relief that the film gained appreciations from the film festivals and the lead actress was short listed for the final round of the state awards in the best actress category.

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