Sir Rod Stewart : Pictures telling Stories. July 20, 2017. NEW!! NEW!! NEW!!

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r5Meet The Stewarts! Rod, 72, cosies up to his wife Penny Lancaster, 46, as they proudly show off their children and grandchildren in rare family photo.
They recently renewed their wedding vows at their 18th century Essex home, after celebrating 10 years of marriage in June.


And Sir Rod Stewart, 72, and Penny Lancaster, 46, looked as smitten as ever as they proudly showed off their brood in an Instagram snap taken on holiday in New York.

The beaming couple posed with their sons Aidan, six, and Alastair, 11, as well as Rod’s children from other relationships and his grandchildren.Rod was joined by his daughter Kimberly, 37 – who is just nine years older than his wife – and son Sean, 36. Both are from Rod’s first marriage to Alana Hamilton.


Kimberley brought another generation into the mix with her daughter Delilah, five, whose father is actor Benicio Del Toro.The musician was also joined by Renee, 25, and Liam, 22, who are from his marriage to Australian model Rachel Hunter.
Penny proudly captioned the sweet snap ‘Stewart madness’ – as the clan pulled a variety of faces at the camera – ranging from smiles to mock-grimaces.
Father-of-eight Rod also has a daughter Ruby, 29, with model ex-girlfriend Kelly Emberg, 57, and daughter Sarah Streeter, 53, with Susannah Boffey.
The family snap comes just weeks after Rod and Penny renewed their vows after almost 20 years together.

Speaking about Penny, the singer told Hello!: ‘Penny is my whole world, what a girl. Love means many things to many people but to me it’s wanting to share everything with the one you love and I love Penny more now than ever, if that is at all possible.Discussing the decision to renew their vows with the magazine, the model admitted the ceremony felt more special after ten happy years of marriage.
‘Being able to reflect on those ten years and say those words to one another and still know we mean them is important.’

The intimate ceremony had just 100 guests including Rod’s former Faces bandmate Ronnie Wood and his wife Sally and Penny’s former Strictly dance partner Ian Waite.
Last month Penny spoke about renewing her vows during an interview on Loose Women.
She said: ‘We brought all our family and friends together in our country home. It was such a beautiful day. Rod and I were in this bubble.’Clearly content with her decision, Penny revealed: ‘Ten years later ago we were looking in each other’s eyes and when we were renewing our vows we were feeling so much warmth.’
The couple also eschewed gifts in favour of donations to the Grenfell Tower fundraising appeal.

r3She confessed: ‘My husband just said: ‘Look I know we said no gifts but how about I just hand a hat around and everyone makes a donation to the terrible fire that happened in Grenfell Tower’.
‘And everyone was generous to do that and Rod quadrupled it and then afterwards we wanted to make some more money and thought we could sell some of the pictures.

(Text from Daily Mail/Picture by Penny Instagram.)

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