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PeterMensah is best known for his roles in films such as Tears of the Sun, 300 and Avatar, as well as for his portrayal of “doctor” Enomao in the television series Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus : Gods of the Arena and Spartacus:. Vengeance.

Mensah was born in Chiraa Ghana, and comes from an academic family. He was born to Ashanti parents in the Brong Ahafo Region, and moved to Hertfordshire, England, with his father, Peter Osei Mensah, an engineer, his mother, a writer, and two younger sisters at a young age. Mensah began practising martial arts at the age of six.

He spent part of his youth there until he decided to leave Europe and look for a fortune in Canada or Australia, but the papers for entry to Canada arrived earlier and therefore he decided to move to that country. Martial arts enthusiast his beginnings as an actor were relatively late, occasionally at school and professionally when he was over forties.

He has since appeared in films such as 300, Hidalgo (Oceans of Fire in Spain), Tears of the Sun, Jason X, The Incredible Hulk (2008), Harvard’s Man and Bless the Child.

She has made television appearances in Star Trek: Enterprise , Tracker , Witchblade , Blue Murder, Relic Hunter , Earth: Final Conflict , Highlander: The Crow , La Femme Nikita and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (in episode 12 of season two, titled “The Fields of the Alps”).

He also starred in the short film The Seed and later appeared in a small role in the James Cameron film Avatar.

Later he appeared in the Starz television series Spartacus: Blood and Sand and in its prequel, Spartacus : Gods of the Arena, playing the role of Enomao, as well as in the new season of the series, Spartcus: Vengeance.

He also appeared in the fifth season of the television series True Blood.

He lent his voice and image to Zach Hammond, Chief of Security and USG Captain Kellion in the Dead Space video game. Peter Mensah’s talent leaps as he appear